HBD shiela

Tuesday, August 28, 2012 0 comments

it is so hard to think of gifts for women who already have so many collections of bags, shoes, jewelries, scarves, books, etc.
what's even harder is if that woman can easily buy things she wants.

so i thought...what could be that  "something"  which they want to have but can't buy for themselves especially on special occasions..?

my dear cousin  "shiela"  celebrates her birthday every 28th of august. she is one of those women who can easily have all that she wants in a snap of a finger. i know her too well.


then i thought of only one thing. .. and it is exactly my gift for her. . ,

 bouquet of flowers 

especially delivered  on her doorstep...

enjoy your day cousin...!

i love you like a real big sister. you take care all the time.!

continue  to grow old gracefully...!

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