out to see 2 movies
Friday, October 10, 2008 1 comments TROPIC THUNDER.. is the kind of movie that you need to watch from the very start. Don't be late. It starts with fake advertisements which make way for the movie making it very funny. Ben Stiller is an action star who made a picture called "Simple Jack" (a mentally challenged farm boy) in order to be recognized at The Oscars." Robert Downey Jr. plays an Australian actor so devoted to his craft that he undergoes a "pigmentation-alteration procedure" to play a black man. Jack Black's character just plays a comic actor who has made a fortune out of donning fat suits and FARTing a lot.
Tropic Thunder is a Vietnam War movie based on a book by Sgt. Four Leaf Tayback (Nick Nolte).A group of self-absorbed actors who set out to make the most expensive war film. However, prima donna behavior of the actors threatened the production which cause the studio to cancel the movie. The director doesnt want to stop shooting so the actors were thrown into hostile territory,leading the cast into the jungles of Southeast Asia nevertheless still remain in character and keep complaining to their agents even as the real-life situation gets actually becomes very dangerous.This movie points about race, sex, drugs, and Hollywood.
The movie is funny from start to finish. For several times,i found myself laughing out loud.it was even funnier when i realized at the end of the movie that Les Grossman, the war movie's bullying, foulmouthed producer is played by Tom Cruise.
Check out his dance moves. very very funny! Cruise even ended the movie with his funny dance steps.famous line of the movie... "DONT GO FULL RETARD"EAGLE EYE is an action and mystery thriller produced by Steven Spielberg. It stars Shia LaBeouf and Michelle Monaghan..The movie is about Jerry Shaw (LeBouf), a copy-store clerk who’s been living in his twin brother’s shadow his entire life. While his brother did well in college and now holds a big-time government security job, Jerry wasjust getting by travelling around the globe with different odd jobs.. The exciting and thrilling part of the movie started when Jerry learned that his brother has been killed. Strange things occur.Jerry Shaw received a call on his cellphone from a mysterious voice of a woman saying.. "Jerry Shaw, you have been activated." this happened shortly after an ATM unexpectedly spits $750,000 in his direction.Jerry Shaw, along with Rachel Holloman (Monaghan) is being tracked by a woman and organization he has never heard of. Ironically, these people are tracking both Shaw and Holloman through the simple technologies, such as cell phones, laptop, pagers. As the tension escalates, they become the nation's most wanted fugitives and neither of them knows why. The action is fantastic, with enough explosions, car chases, and government conspiracies to keep things interesting. The movie simply wants to say..."WE CAN RUN BUT WE CANT HIDE." . You know what happens when one was given intructions on what to do and didn't follow? Go figure!
I recommend Tropic Thunder. Its funny, i did not expect cruise to shake his bums.